I think that music is so important in people's lives these days, and as I am sure you all know by now, I cannot get enough of it. Music can be beautiful, and can tell stories even without words. It can help you focus, or it can get you in the mood to dance. Music is literally one of the most versatile things we have, and I think that's pretty darn cool. Anyway, enough of the corny ranting... As I have probably mentioned before, 8tracks is a fabulous way to find new artists and bands. Today I am going to give you a bit of an overview of six of my favourite playlists on 8tracks.
1. the forgotten tavern
This playlist has got to be the one I have listened to the most. It features celtic, medieval, and old folk music, and being someone who is fascinated with history and fantasy, this playlist creates the perfect combination.
2. |dauntless|
Okay, I admit it, I am an absolute sucker for the post-apocalyptic-kind-of genre, and the Divergent series falls right into that. There are plenty of playlists that have been made for all the factions of this series, but this has to be my absolute favourite.
3. revolution: {juliet}
Getting into a new tv show means finding new fanmixes related to my favourite characters. This playlist is based on the character of Juliet from the show Lost, and for some reason I feel as though it suits her really well. It just seems so... her. You get me? It's worth a listen even if you aren't into the show.
4. Making Music With Portals
Portals is my favourite game that I have ever played. I think it's partly because the only characters are both female, and partly because it ties in so beautifully to that post-apocalyptic genre I was talking about before. This playlists consists mainly of remixes, and it's not the kind of music I would normally listen to, but it's been done well, and makes me laugh a bit at the turret voices in some songs.
5. My Wonderland is Shattered
If you read my post on my fandom baking day, you will know that I love Alice in Wonderland. I can't even pinpoint why exactly this is. Maybe it's the fantasy world, maybe it's the madness. Either way, I think this playlist pins down well the elements of insanity in the story.
6. I need to focus
Because studying is such a big part of my life (a big part of a lot of people's lives) I am a little in love with finding study playlists that help me to focus and get on track. This is one of the best ones I have found on 8tracks and when I'm studying, or writing an essay for university, I will listen to it over and over. Just like the title claims, it helps me to focus and get into 'study mode'. All the music on this playlist are instrumentals, and I think that really helps me with concentration. I simply cannot concentrate on studying when a song with lyrics comes on.
So, go and check out these playlists! Make an account of your own to save them, or to create your own mixes to share with the world!
You can find me on 8tracks here.