Saturday, 7 February 2015

Quick Tips: Motivating Yourself to Study

Ever feel like your studies are dragging you down into a bottomless pit of homework that you aren't motivated to get out of? Don't worry, you are not alone. Everyone feels like this at some point in their lives, and since the school year is beginning to start up and the university semester will be starting soon (well, here in Australia anyway), I thought it might be beneficial for my readers who are studying to know how they can motivate themselves to study and try their hardest at whatever it is they are doing.

Tip 1. Make sure you are doing something you enjoy, or something that you know will help get you where you want to go. I know this can be hard if you are still at school and don't get much say in which classes you take, but at least choose your electives based on what you love.

Tip 2. Use cute stationery. Maybe it's just me, but I find that cool pens, diaries, and even websites, help me get in the mood to do some work.

Tip 3. Look through study blogs. Tumblr has plenty of them. Have a look here.

Tip 4. Set yourself rewards. For example: 'If I do this reading I can watch that episode', 'If I write 500 words of my essay I can have a piece of cake'.

Tip 5. Figure out your learning style and cater your study techniques towards that. Not everybody can sit at their desk and concentrate for 45 minutes, not everybody can easily understand things without listening to someone talk about them. Emma Blackery made a really useful video on study techniques, which I would definitely recommend you go check out.

Motivation can be hard to find, but once you have it, don't let it go. It isn't always easy to feel inspired about your studies, you can feel stuck studying the basics when all you want to do is the in-depth stuff, but the more you care about your work, the more motivated you will become.

I hope you are all finding this series a useful one, whether or not you connect with all of the posts. If you have any ideas for more topics for this series let me know in the comments!

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