Saturday, 3 January 2015

Quick Tips: Choosing What to Wear

Sometimes, there just isn't time the night before to decide what you are going to wear the next day. I have problems choosing what to wear to university all the time, so I thought I would share with you some things that help me.

Tip 1: Look at the weather forecast.

Tip 2: Take a photo whenever you wear a new outfit. Keep them altogether in a folder on your computer or phone and that way you can easily see outfit ideas, as well as when you wore an outfit last.

Tip 3: Use PolyvoreThis is somewhat an alternative to tip 2. On polyvore you can create outfits and organise them into categories, as well as view outfits other people have created.

Tip 4: Organise your wardrobe by function, and by colour. This makes it ten times easier to find the kind of clothes you want to wear.

Tip 5: Have a quick go-to outfit for each weather condition. ie. One for rain, one for hot days, one for average days, one for freezing cold days, etc.

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