I arrived back from my holiday in London a couple of days ago, and I thought you might like to hear about it. I had a wonderful time, and visited many of the places I went to when I was a kid, so it was nice to see what had changed and what had stayed the same.
One of the first places I visited was Hampton Court Palace. The grounds were beautiful, full of flowers and fountains. Everything looked so green compared to our nature in Australia, which was nice to see for a change.
The following two pictures were taken at the Science Museum, as part of an old technology display. The museum was much the same as I remember it being, although at the same time was much different.
The Barbie doll came out in 1997. You could connect the doll to a computer with the cord, put the CD in the disk drive, and download a topic of phrases for the doll to say.
This is something that we may not even think about using today. The Plan Your Kitchen Kit was to do exactly what it sounds like, the goal being to save on water & electricity consumption when redoing your kitchen through careful planning.
I feel that the following two images are fairly self explanatory, so I won't go into detail except for saying that the souvenir shop they have is marvellous!
The final photo is of the Rosetta Stone which is currently located in the British Museum. It was really neat to be able to see such a historically significant object in person.
These are just some of the highlights from my trip to London. Hopefully within the next couple of days I will make a post of some of the more photography shots I took.
This week is fairly busy for me as we have family visiting from overseas and I am planning some things for us to do together, sorting out my timetable allocation (such a big drama - everything has gone wrong!) then I have my birthday party on the weekend, which should be exciting!
Anyway, I seem to have rambled on long enough,I hope you all have a great week!