Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Art Journalling

Not long ago I discovered this wondrous thing called art journalling where you (usually) combine writing with any form of art to make something creative. I have been inspired mainly by Tammy to get my own art journal going, and here are a few of my favourite pages from it so far.

The prompt for this page was 'rainbow' and as I have never been good at drawing your typical semi-circular shape I decided to be a little more creative.

This prompt was 'windows' and I had originally planned the page with 5 of them, however I liked how it looked after finishing one, so I left it at that. Because I had planned to do more windows, the entire page underneath is covered with newspaper, even though you can only see a little of it from this photo.

This poem is called 'Bones' by Meggie Royer. I adore her writing for the language a descriptions she uses which can make any harsh topic sound beautiful.

I found my inspiration for the 'themed grid' from here. I think it is a great way to find little pockets of inspiration if you are not feeling overly creative on the given day. Although they suggest to do one square a day, I chose not to do that and did the whole grid over three days.


Hello everyone! I'm new at all this, so please forgive me if I am ever a little awkward at any point. I recently decided that it would be a good idea to have a positive outlet in my busy day-to-day life where I can talk about some of the things I love - books, art, cooking etc. etc. At the moment I won't keep to a regular posting schedule, I'll just come on when I feel like it, or when I have something to say. So, that's probably all for now and hopefully I'll have the blog looking better in a couple of days too :)